Help get hockey fights banned. Join the 'ban'wagon - sign the petition.
To be counted in our petition, please give us your name, email address, and city. (We don't really want your email, we only ask for it to identify you uniquely for the petition. We will NEVER give or sell your email to ANYONE!)
Petition started February 2, 2009.
**Update: APril, 2009 - we now have signatures from across Ontario, and as far as BC and in the United States (and one from Malaysia, and another from Brazil, but I don't think they are making it to a lot of games) some of the places represented include:
Please forward this page to others to grow the list! |
Once you've signed the petition, make your thoughts heard, post them here. Still want to do more? Email this website to your friends and family and have them sign the petition. Let's make sure the NHL and other hockey leagues don't dismiss us as simply a 'few' do-gooders. |